10Captcha is a captchasolver service with high accuracy and budget savings. It recognizes reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha and other types of CAPTCHAs automatically. The price for the service will always be at least 2 times cheaper than manual recognition services and up to 30 times faster than them.
Get started $1 Free TrialThe process is fully automated to solve captchas, This is why we guarantee the market’s lowest price
10Captcha uses the latest AI technology to automatically recognize captchas, making it up to 30x faster than average.
Pay-per-captcha. Add minimum $1 and start to automatically recognize all types of captchas with accuracy and speed.
Our service API is easy to integrate with your favorite software. Register and Implement our API to your software.
10Captcha now offers image recognition services to customers utilising Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Their mission is to explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence further to expand the possibilities of technology-driven environments.
Price Per 1,000 | Success | Solution Speed | |
reCAPTCHA v2 |
$0.2 |
96% |
40s |
reCAPTCHA v3 |
$0.25 |
100% |
15s |
reCAPTCHA Enterprise |
$0.4 |
86% |
24s |
Image Captcha |
$0.1 |
99% |
1s |
GeeTest |
Coming Soon |
Our services Can be easily integrated with any programs and scripts which require captcha recognition.
Use our application and enjoy easy integration without any programming skills